
DeHeng Assisted UETD C&D State-owned Capital Investment and Operation (Group) in Issuing USD Bonds


UETD C&D State-owned Capital Investment and Operation (Group) Co., Ltd. successfully issued bonds worth USD 60 million overseas in March 2023, with the coupon rate of 7.50%. The issuance was structured as a direct offering, and the purpose was to finance project development and replenish working capital. The offering was Xinjiang's first AA+ credit issuance of "Belt and Road" overseas bonds.

The DeHeng team, with primary support of Hou Zhiwei, Zhang Yan, Hu Xueyuan, Yang Youqi and Wang Hetong, advised the underwriters on PRC law, and assisted in the successful completion of the offering. 

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  • Zhiwei HOU


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