
DeHeng Selected into the First Batch of Third-party Legal Service Providers by Shenzhen Data Exchange


Recently after the preliminary and final evaluations, Shenzhen Data Exchange announced its choice of members of the Data Exchange Compliance Association (DEXCA). DeHeng Law Offices (Guangzhou) is one of them and becomes one of the first DEXCA members and third-party legal service providers.

Shenzhen Data Exchange is a national trading platform. In order to better cultivate the third-party legal service market for data exchange, the DEXCA was established to provide third-party services such as legal services and compliance consulting for transaction entities.

The DeHeng team for this project was led by partner Peng Mingzhi of the Guangzhou Office and business partners Fu Zhaoheng and Lin Liangyao, with primary support from lawyers Weng Xiangxi, Chen Yansi, Shi Xiaoqing, Zhang Xiaotong, Wang Yi, and the intern lawyer Ai Di. 


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