DeHeng Won the Lowest Rate for Masteel
in the Anti-dumping Investigation Initiated by Malaysia
On March 29, 2019, Ministry of International Trade and Industry, Malaysia (MITI) announced the initiation of an anti-dumping investigation concerning imports of certain cold rolled coils originating or exported from P.R.China, Japan, Republic of Korea and Vietnam. DeHeng was designated to represent Maanshan Iron & Steel Company Limited (Masteel) and its two related companies in the investigation. After nine months of investigation, MITI reached the final determination on December 17, 2019 and recommended for imposition of AD duties ranging from 4.76% to 26.38% on imports of the subject merchandise from China. The proposed rates for Masteel was 4.76%, the lowest among all the four cooperating Chinese suppliers, the other three being Angang Steel Company Limited, Baoshan Iron & Steel Co., Ltd. and Shougang Jingtang United Iron & Steel Co., Ltd..
Magang (Group) Holding Co., Ltd. is an extra large-sized iron and steel complex in China with both A-shares and H-shares publicly listed, and also member of China Iron and Steel Industry Association. Masteel owns the top production lines in the world for thin strip cold-rolling and thin strip hot-rolling, strip hot-galvanizing, strip color coating, H-beam, high-quality wire & rod, train wheel, etc., and its products are shipped to more than 50 countries around the globe.
When Masteel finally decided to participate in the investigation with DeHeng's assistance, the deadline for submission of Exporter's Questionnaire responses was approaching. Despite the tight schedule and heavy workload, the DeHeng team, led by partner Ren Yongzhong, had cooperated very well with the clients and managed to submit on time the three full sets of Exporter's Questionnaires completed respectively by Masteel and its two related companies, thousands of pages of data and other supporting materials to the Authority. With DeHeng's help, Masteel smoothly passed the on-site verification carried out by the Officers in October 2019.
The case has laid a solid foundation for Masteel to gain an edge and expansion in the Malaysian market and to improve its business performance. DeHeng team, with professional, comprehensive, efficient and premium legal services, has been further acknowledged by the client.