
ICA Appoints DCC's Attorney as an Arbitrator for
a Case in Connection with Joint Venture Disputes
Between a Chinese Company and a US Company



International Court of Arbitration (ICA) has appointed Xiaomin Chen, global partner of DeHeng and Managing Partner of DeHeng's New York Office, DeHeng, Chen & Chan (DCC), as a co-arbitrator for a case in connection with a disputes arising from a Sino-US joint venture in Shanghai.


ICA is an arbitration body attached to the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) Since ICA was established in 1923, ICC arbitration has been constantly nourished by the experience gathered by the ICA in the course of administering more than twelve thousand international arbitration cases, now involving each year parties and arbitrators from 100 countries and from divers E legal, economic, cultural and linguistic backgrounds. Each year, ICC arbitrations are held in some 40 countries, in most major languages and with arbitrators of some 60 different nationalities.


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