




Construction of a Judicial Service System for the Double Carbon Goal


The Supreme People’s Court explicitly defines the protection of carbon-related rights to natural resources


‘The ‘Double Carbon Goal’ refers to China's target of "carbon peaking" by 2030 and "carbon neutrality" by 2060 proposed in September 2020. Against the background of the Double Carbon Goal, the construction of China's ecological civilization has entered a critical period setting carbon reduction as the key strategic direction and promoting synergy between pollution reduction and carbon reduction. The Supreme People’s Court issued the 2021‘Opinions on Strengthening and Innovating Environmental Resource Trials to Provide Judicial Services and Guarantees for Constructing the Modernization of Harmonious Coexistence of Human Beings and the Natural Environment in the New Era’(“2021 Opinions”) and the 2023 ‘Opinions on Providing Judicial Services for the Active and Steady Promotion of the Peak Carbon Achievement and Carbon Neutrality though Accurately and Comprehensively Implementing the New Development Idea’(“2023 Opinions”), which clarified the importance of carbon-related rights, such as carbon emission rights, carbon sinks and carbon derivatives, as well as the need for properly handling civil disputes related to the establishment of rights, transactions, guarantees and enforcement in accordance with the law.


Status Quoof Trials on Carbon-Related Transactions of Natural Resources


The Opinions in the field of ecology and environment in the context of Double Carbon Goal clarifies three aspects: first, clarification of the property rights of natural resources, involving the ownership and use of land, grassland, mineral deposits, forests, sea areas, etc.; second, construction of a compensation mechanism for ecological protection, and implementing the judicial trial of public-interest litigation and ecological and environmental damages; third, diversification of dispute settlement methods involving carbon in natural resources, linking administrative mediation, administrative penalties and judicial trials, and realization of the organic convergence of mediation, arbitration and litigation.


Therefore, the carbon-related rights of ecological resources and a series of judicial guarantees is already clearly defined in the 2021 and 2023 Opinions.


Fujian Province Takes the Lead in Establishing Eco-Justice for Double Carbon Goals


Against the background of the national Double Carbon Goal, the judicial system in Fujian Province has been actively utilizing judicial activism.


Formulation of Eco-Judicial Judicial Guidelines


The Fujian Provincial Higher People's Court and the Fujian Provincial Forestry Bureau have jointly formulated the ‘Guidelines on the Application of Forestry Carbon Compensation Mechanism for Ecological Restoration in Ecological and Environmental Criminal Cases (Trial)’ (“Guidelines”), which is characterized by giving full play to the role of the judiciary in the protection of forest resources and the service of the Double Carbon Goal, and realizing the restoration of damaged forest resources from the traditional “replanting and regreening” mode to the direct restoration mode through “carbon sink compensation”. Three compensation options are available: (1) commuted compensation for loss of carbon sinks and used to create carbon sink forests; (2) purchasing and writing off certified forestry carbon sinks; and (3) purchasing and writing off certified forestry carbon sinks for the record of the Fujian Provincial Forestry Bureau.


Pioneering Judicial Practice of Purchasing Forestry Carbon Sinks in lieu of Ecological Restoration


Courts in Fujian have taken the lead in implementing the judicial function of the Double Carbon goal and have actively implemented the safeguard function of the judicial trial. By using “Ecological justice plus carbon sinks” as an entry point, and by guiding the defendant to voluntarily purchase carbon sinks, the court realizes dynamic justice and achieves the Double Carbon goals.


Shunchang, Nanping, Fujian Province, has completed the country’s first “carbon sink” ecological trial. In the case of deforestation, the court ruled that the defendant should subscribe to forest carbon sinks, and that the ecological environment should be restored through the subscription of carbon sinks alternative restoration of the ecological environment. The defendant took the initiative to spend 40,000 yuan and subscribed to 400 tons of forestry carbon sinks as an alternative repair of ecological damage, which was regarded by the court as a less severe punishment. Furthermore, the criminal case of logging in Xinluo District Court of Longyan City was the first case to apply the Guidelines and invoke the CEA (Carbon Emission Allowance of National Carbon Market) listing and trading price to determine the compensation for the restoration of carbon sinks.


Fujian Province Actively Utilizes Marine Ecological Judicial Functions under the Double Carbon Goal


On October 10, 2022, the Xiamen Maritime Court issued its first white paper book on judicial protection of the marine ecological environment, involving 2,054 cases. The court plays the role of trial function in the ecological environment and strives to be the judicial vanguard of marine ecological environment protection. The court also takes multiple measures to form a synergy of marine ecological environment protection. Through the improved linkage between government and the court, the sea-related administrative organs, social mediation organizations and the court work together to promote the synergistic development of marine ecological protection. The court further promotes the marine ecological public welfare compensation system to be put into practice.


Status Quo and Shortcomings of Judicial Trials on Ecological Environment under Double Carbon Goal


Absence of a clear legislative document on the legal attributes of carbon-related laws in the ecosystem


The Supreme People’s Court’s “Opinions” falls into the category of documents being jointly issued by the party and government, which is not yet recognized as a basis for the administration of justice and lacks judicial application norms based on the "double carbon" objective in its judicial application. Although the Opinions of 2023 pointed out that: the application of green principles and green provisions of the Civil Code, to strengthen the environmental protection law as the basis for ecological protection, pollution prevention and control, resource utilization, as well as energy development and other laws as the main trunk, supplemented by administrative rules and regulations, the provisions of the Circular Economy Promotion Law, the Cleaner Production Promotion Law, the Energy Conservation Law, the Renewable Energy Law, the Forest Law, the Grassland Law, the Wetland Protection Law, the Blackland Protection Law and other sectoral laws are too general in principle and weak in operationalization, making it difficult to apply them to judicial practice, and difficult to determine the cause of the violation of the law, leading to the lack of a way to hold people accountable for their legal responsibilities.


The “Guidelines (Trial)” formulated by the Fujian Provincial Higher People's Court is only a working guideline, with obvious limitations. It is not a law or regulation, and it still need to be strengthened with supporting measures of the judicial system.


The lack of legal liability provisions in the law on Double Carbon system leads to low cost of violating the law.


Firstly, corresponding legal responsibility should be attached to the violation of carbon-related rights. Although there is a system of prosecution and compensation, the ecological environment and other causes of civil compensation, administrative penalties, criminal sentencing is too macroscopic and general, and lack detailed provisions on the responsibilities of citizens, enterprises, and administrative organs, and are not enforceable and operable. Although the 2023 Supreme People’s Court’s “Interpretation of Several Issues Concerning the Application of Law to the Trial of Criminal Cases Involving the Destruction of Forest Resources” and “Interpretation of Several Issues Concerning the Application of Law to the Handling of Criminal Cases Involving Environmental Pollution, while clarifying the conviction and sentencing of specific criminal acts, have included neither alternatives to the carbon sink compensation mechanism, nor any other specific norms.


Secondly, although the Supreme Court has issued a series of classic cases, using the provisions of the "Green Principle" of the Civil Code as the basis for adjudication, China is not a common law country, and there is still a need to have explicit legislation or corresponding supporting judicial interpretations as the basis for adjudication, so as to ensure that there is a law to comply with, in order to play a warning role of the law.


The carbon dispute resolution method regarding ecological environment is relatively homogenous


Except in cases involving public interest litigation and criminal offenses, since some parts of carbon trading dispute fall into the category of commercial property, it would not be conducive to the development of commercial free trade in carbon sinks if only court adjudication is chosen as the only means of dispute resolution. If a commercial legal subject signs up and chooses “arbitration” as the dispute resolution method, then arbitration should be allowed as one of the Double Carbon diversified dispute resolution methods.


The localized development of the judicial trial of the Double Carbon target management needs to be in line with international standards.


Double Carbon is an agreement and principle jointly developed by countries at the international level, with the most representational ones being the Paris Agreement and the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). China is an active promoter of the internationalization of “Double Carbon” standards, but domestic standards such as carbon accounting and carbon foot printing are not yet fully in line with international standards. In the phenomenon of multinational enterprises being “responsible for production but not responsible for consumption”, the judicial trial should be in line with international practice, otherwise it will not be conducive to Chinese enterprises going abroad. Import and export enterprises need to carry out international or domestic accounting reports and increase enterprise costs, which then will affect the international recognition of the effectiveness of China's enterprises to reduce emissions. In terms of international standards, there is a lack of experience in the synchronized development of domestic international standards.


Improving the Judicial Guarantee System under the Double Carbon Goal


Legislative preemption to clear carbon rights attributes


Although the Opinion of the Supreme Court clarifies the legal attributes of carbon sinks, by virtue of “rights and obligations” are always relative, there is not only “carbon rights”, but also “carbon obligations”. However, no such expression can be found explicit on a legislative level. Thus, the “Double Carbon goal” should be integrated into the relevant legislative purpose clause. In the process of legalization of policies, a distinction should be made between policy language and legal language to ensure that legal subjects have the “right” to legal effect.The implementation of the two-carbon target is better safeguarded in all aspects through the administration of justice.


At the same time, it is necessary to continue to improve the legislation, and increase the operability of the judicial trial, and also give play to the function of the judicial interpretation of the law to make up for the shortcomings of the lagging legislation. Outside the national legislation level, regulations, rules and other normative documents should also be improved in order to provide possibility for the judicial trial activities of the Double Carbon goals.


Further collaboration between administrative regulation and judicial trial


The Opinions of the Supreme Court only design the administrative management and administrative regulation from the top level, and the trial system of courts, procuratorates and other judicial institutions is not yet perfected. Furthermore, the linkage between the execution and punishment also needs to be improved. For example, a system of non-prosecution for criminal compliance with the dual-carbon objective is to be implemented. Under the premise of grasping the demarcation of the boundaries between administrative supervision and judicial adjudication, it should shift from focusing on administrative regulation to the unification and coordination of administration and justice, and properly deal with the cross-cutting issues of the application of administrative law and civil law.


Centralized jurisdiction courts should be established in judicial trials. The Supreme Court issued the "Environmental Resources Case Types and Statistical Specifications (for Trial Implementation)" to clarify the scope of the carbon market transaction disputes in the environmental resources trial, but it did not specify the specific environmental resources cases by which business sector, divided into centralized jurisdiction courts and non-centralized jurisdiction courts, should be clearly centralized jurisdiction, to ensure that the judgment scale is uniform.


Explicitly adding arbitration as one of the dispute resolution methods


Carbon emissions trading, carbon emission quotas and other security contract disputes are property contract disputes with arbitrability. Considering the development trend of China's convergence with the international carbon market, it should be made clear that arbitration can be one of the dispute resolution means, and at the same time, it will be conducive to the extraterritorial recognition and enforcement of international arbitral awards under the New York Convention.


Drawing on extraterritorial experience in Double Carbon justice


Rule of law at the national level should be harmonized with the rule of law in relation to foreign countries, implementing the Kunming Declaration of the World Congress on Environmental Justice. The legislative work related to carbon trading needs to consider the systemic coordination of the system as well as the issue of international integration, and the judicial trial also needs to take the long-term planning of internationalization and integration into account, so as to escort the development China's carbon market, which has already been built to cover the largest scale of carbon emissions in the world.


President Xi pointed out that the realization of carbon peak and carbon neutral is an extensive and profound economic and social systematic change, and that the judicial system in China under the Double Carbon goal should give full play to its function to provide judicial services and guarantees to escort the realization of the “Double Carbon” goal.






